Hi Byron
You are listed as owner on this man page. There are some suspicious
things here. When I ran it on the CLI, I saw no --type option, but the
text referred to type option. I removed --type from the man page, but am
not sure all the text for the options makes sense now.
Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-service [--name <name>]
[--serviceproperties <serviceproperties>] [--dry-run=false] [--domaindir
<domaindir>] [-?|--help=false] [domain_name]
Command create-service failed.
The dry-run and domaindir options are new apparently. I have no
description for either of them in relation to this subcommand.
The operand is [domain-name] I guess. Can you give me a correct
description for the man page. What's there isn't right.
There was no example, and I have no idea how to make one up.
This man page doesn't seem to match v3 version of the command very well.
I'm hoping you can straighten it out by tomorrow AM (10/9) which is when
I need feedback by Friday AM to make HCFreez.