Hi Kedar,
You are listed as owner on these man pages. Please review quickly so I
can get any fixes in for hard code freeze. Our deadline is friday Oct. 9
* create-domain has a new option: checkports.
* Question on delete-domain. Is this really the syntax:
Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] delete-domain [--domaindir
<domaindir>] *[--terse=false] [--ec ho=false]* [-?|--help=false] domain_name
(from the CLI in build 66)
Usually --terse and --echo are strictly asadmin utility options. But
from this syntax, they are also subcommand options. This looks like a
mistake on engineering end. However, if they are really subcommand
options I can add them into the delete-domain man page. If so, these
options probably need some additional explanation as to how they relate
to the delete-domain subcommand.