>>> Yes, it does not apply to Mac OS.
>>> However, I believe Byron discovered that it *does* apply to Windows,
>>> right Byron? If so, "Mac OS X" should be replaced with "Windows".
>>> What's not clear to me is whether this is a general property of
>>> Windows (which I still have a hard time believing) or whether it's
>>> a bug in some particular versions of Windows.
>> This is a very old bug with windows. Please see a issue from
>> appserver 8.1. It must have been in documentation all along the
>> releases, don't know when windows has been to changed to Mac
>> http://bt2ws.central.sun.com/CrPrint?id=6157293
> Is this only a bug with Windows Server versions?
I see this in all versions of windows. Here is how to reproduce .
asadmin start-domain domain1
asadmin create-domain --adminport 5050 --nopassword --instanceport 10000
asadmin create-domain --adminport 6060 --nopassword --instanceport 10000
asadmin start-domain domain2
asadmin start-domain domain3