Re: REVIEW:: monitor, enable-monitoring, disable-monitoring, monitoring concepts

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 19:37:38 -0700

No, the initial purpose of having enable-monitoring command without any
options is to attach btrace-agent and we prefer to keep that behavior.

Bill Shannon wrote:

>Sreenivas Munnangi wrote on 9/24/09 3:04 PM:
>>>>Prashanth suggested that we can have 'all' option to set the level for
>>>>all modules at once without specifying each, for ex.
>>>>enable-monitoring --modules all=LOW // this will set level to 'LOW' for
>>>>all modules
>>>>enable-monitoring --modules all // this will set level to 'HIGH' for all
>>>Shouldn't the latter be the default?
>>You mean if 'all' is not specified that should be taken as default, like
>>the one below
>>enable-monitoring --modules
>No, just "asadmin enable-monitoring".
>Equivalent to "asadmin enable-monitoring --modules all",
>equivalent to "asadmin enable-monitoring --modules all:HIGH".
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