Yes, it's a bug. This special case support for --upload was broken when
I removed support for --path. I thought quicklook tested this too, but
apparently not. Guess I should add that.
This would all be a bit cleaner if the server side commands defined an
upload parameter, even if the special handling for it is on the client.
Tim Quinn wrote on 7/2/09 3:47 PM:
> Byron Nevins wrote:
>> Are you sure? QL passes. Doesn't QL use the --upload arg?
> $ echo $ASADMIN_NEW
> true
> $ asadmin deploy --upload=true
> /Users/Tim/asgroup/v3/v2/appserv-tests/devtests/deployment/build/WebNBean.ear
> com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: remote failure:
> I*nvalid option: upload*
> Usage: deploy [ --virtualservers virtual_servers] [--contextroot
> context_root] [--force=false] [ --precompilejsp=false] [ --name
> component_name] [--upload=true] [ --retrieve local_dirpath]
> [--dbvendorname dbvendorname] [--createtables=true |
> --dropandcreatetables=true] [ --uniquetablenames=true] [
> --deploymentplan deployment_plan] [--enabled=true] [ --libraries
> jar_file[,jar_file*]] [--type pkg-type]
> [--properties(name=value)[:name=value]*] file_archive| filepath
> Command deploy failed.
>> Tim Quinn wrote:
>>> Bill Shannon wrote:
>>>> Byron Nevins wrote on 06/29/09 11:00:
>>>>> To start using the new CLI just set this environmental variable
>>>>> semi-permanently
>>>>> ASADMIN_NEW=true
>>> It looks as if file uploading is broken during deployment.
>>> The definition of the DeployCommandParameters (extended by
>>> DeployCommand and ReDeployCommand) does not include --upload. (That
>>> used to be detected by the old admin CLI client which took some other
>>> actions.) So the CLI rejects --upload on the deploy command now.
>>> What's the fix in the new scheme?
>>> - Tim
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