Admin Console Questions ...

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2009 16:40:13 -0700

First off, great job on console! I like the GlassFish News Section.

(I hope there is a way to turn off the Internet access though).

Hope these are simple questions on GlassFish v3 (latest workspace build):

1- Does anyone know how to turn on "security" on an http-listener? I see
    no check-box like interface when I do: Network Config -> Network Listeners
    ->(Choose a listener) -> View the property sheet.

    It's hard to find the admin listener. Can we do something about it?
    (like -- Is it possible to provide a link to network listeners from HTTP
    Service configuration page?)

2- This is general observation with check-boxes. Regardless of status of these
    check-boxes, i.e. regardless whether they are checked or unchecked, I keep
    on seeing a label named "Enabled" (yes, that's right, even when the check-box
    is unchecked, it reads "Enabled").
    I think it is wrong and at times annoys me ;). Can we just remove the label?
    If not, can we change it to obey the visual status of the check-box?

    (See attached image that illustrates the point).


(image/jpeg attachment: check-box.jpg)