I have committed a revised online help jar file (corehelp.jar) to
trunk/v3/admingui/war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib after testing it as
thoroughly as I could in my own workspace. If you build the admingui,
install a build, and replace the promoted build's admingui.war with the
built one before starting the Admin Console, you should be able to view
and test the new help.
The issues I know about are all documented in
https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7596. If you find
more that need to be fixed in the help files rather than in the GUI
itself, please file an issue.
Note: links to v3 documentation such as the Admin Guide and the
Developer's Guide will break until v3 goes live, so please don't file
issues on those! (In fact, if the links *don't* break it probably means
they are links to the wrong docs.)
Thanks very much.