Re: Fwd: Urgent: Need help with a bug

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:01:54 -0600

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Tim Quinn wrote:
>> I suspect that the reason the CR was marked as Windows-only is
>> because we do not officially supported installations of GlassFish
>> into paths that contain a space except on Windows.
> It's time to get over that, guys.
> We should support that on every platform,
I agree; I was not endorsing the restriction, just citing it as a
possible reason someone noted the Windows-specificity in the original
CR. I've suggested for some time that nightly builds and QA use paths
with spaces and other interesting characters in them to catch problems
like this early.
> and the fix should be
> platform-independent.
My suggested fix is.

- Tim