Hello Everyone!
This is most likely your last change to attend an Admin Console ITeam
Meeting in 2008, so don't miss it! ;)
We'll have lots of fun and excitement talking about issues surrounding:
- QA Status
- Doc Status
- Development Status for v2.1 and v3
You can enjoy this meeting from the comfort of your office, or home --
your choice! (There will be no conference rooms reserved.) Come
prepared to ask questions, get answers, or just enjoy the show... :)
Meeting Details:
Conference #:
866-651-9314 (US Toll-Free)
213-787-0526 (International-Caller Paid)
Access code: 7538085#
And should you decide all this excitement is just not for you... then
perhaps we'll see you in 2009!
Have a great holiday!
The Admin Console Team