Please review: uptime man page

From: Paul Davies <Paul-Martin.Davies_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:22:51 -0700


Attached is a first draft of the uptime man page for review.

Please review this man page and send me your feedback by end of day
tomorrow, Thursday 4 September. Apologies for the short notice.

Mandatory reviewer: Kedar.


Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Administration Commands uptime(1)

     uptime - returns the length of time that Enterprise Server
     has been running

     [--terse={true|false}][ --echo={true|false} ]
     [ --interactive={true|false} ] [ --host _h_o_s_t]
     [--port _p_o_r_t] [--secure| -s ] [ --user _a_d_m_i_n__u_s_e_r]
     [--passwordfile _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e] [--help]

     The uptime command returns the length of time that Enter-
     prise Server has been running since it was last restarted.

     This command is supported in remote mode only.

     -t --terse

         Indicates that any output data must be very concise,
         typically avoiding human-friendly sentences and favoring
         well-formatted data for consumption by a script. Default
         is false.

     -e --echo

         If set to true, the command-line statement is echoed on
         the standard output. Default is false.

     -I --interactive

         If set to true (default), only the required password
         options are prompted.

     -H --host

         The machine name where the domain administration server
         is running. The default value is localhost.

     -p --port

         The HTTP port or HTTPS port for administration. This
         port is the port in the URL that you specify in your web
         browser to manage the domain, for example,

Java EE 5 Last change: 3 Sep 2008 1

Administration Commands uptime(1)

         The default port number for administration is 4848.

     -s --secure

         If set to true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the
         domain administration server.

     -u --user

         The user name of the authorized administrative user of
         the domain administration server.

         If you have authenticated to a domain by using the asad-
         min login command, you need not specify the --user
         option for subsequent operations on the domain.


         Specifies the name, including the full path, of a file
         that contains the password entries in a specific format.

         The entry for a password must have the AS_ADMIN_ prefix
         followed by the password name in uppercase letters. For
         example, to specify the password for the domain adminis-
         tration server, use an entry with the following format:


         In this example, _p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d is the actual administrator

         The following other passwords can also be specified:



         All remote commands must specify the administration
         password to authenticate to the domain administration
         server. The password can be specified by one of the fol-
         lowing means:

             o Through the --passwordfile option

             o Through the asadmin login command

             o Interactively at the command prompt
         The asadmin login command can be used only to specify

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Administration Commands uptime(1)

         the administration password. For other passwords that
         remote commands require, use the --passwordfile option
         or specify them at the command prompt.

         After authenticating to a domain by using the asadmin
         login command, you need not specify the administration
         password through the --passwordfile option for subse-
         quent operations on the domain. However, only the
         AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option is not required. You still must
         provide the other passwords, for example,
         AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, when required by individual com-
         mands, such as update-file-user.

         For security reasons, a password that is specified as an
         environment variable is not read by the asadmin command.

         The default value for AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD is


         Displays the help text for the command.


     Example 1 Getting the Length of Time That Enterprise Server
     Has Been Running

       asadmin> uptime
       Uptime: 23 minutes, 41 seconds

       Command uptime executed successfully.

     This example shows the command to determine the length of
     time that Enterprise Server has been running. In this exam-
     ple, Enterprise Server has been running for 23 minutes and
     41 seconds.

     Example 2 Attempting to Run the uptime Command in Local Mode

       prompt% asadmin uptime
       Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4,848].
       Is the server up?
       Command uptime failed.

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Administration Commands uptime(1)

     This example shows the response to an attempt to run the
     uptime command in local mode, that is, when Enterprise
     Server is not running.

     0 command executed successfully

     1 error in executing the command

     list-domains(1), start-domain(1), stop-domain(1)

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