Re: Use of Classes

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 11:14:09 -0700

Hi Sushant,

In order to use that handler, which refers to JSON files.  You'll need to have the JSON jar available at build time and runtime.  You can try to make the JSON jar file an optional dependency, which should work b/c of how we invoke handlers.  This would avoid needing to convert JSON.jar to an OSGi bundle (for now).  Otherwise, you'll need a JSON OSGi bundle.

I'm sorry I can't be more specific right now as I have some other features I'm focusing on that others are dependent on.  I cc'd the admin alias so Anissa, Jason, Ana, Jennifer, and others in the team are aware of what you're trying to do -- they may have comments for you as well.  Emailing this alias is probably the best choice, feel free to include me in the "to" line as well and I'll be sure to respond.




Sorry, I am having some problems with my Internet connection. Could you please mail me about the approach for charting you were talking about???

Sushant Taneja

----- Original Message ----
From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen@Sun.COM>
To: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam@Sun.COM>
Cc: SUSHANT TANEJA <>; Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez@Sun.COM>; Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen@Sun.COM>
Sent: Friday, 5 September, 2008 8:55:59 PM
Subject: Re: Use of Classes

We need to repackage these files as OSGi bundles.  This is going to cause several more OSGi bundles to be present in the GF modules directory... not sure if this is the best place for them or not.


Anissa Lam wrote:

Hi Sushant,
I attached the charting project zip, with a sample handler and a jsf page based on the template.  You can take a look at that.
Adding the to your plugin may not be possible because it relies on the json jar.  All jars that the plugin module depends on must by an OSGi bundle.  There is json jar available in the maven repo, but its not OSGi bundle.
The workaround maybe to put the JMakiChartFactory under admingui/core, and then the json jar in the war's WEB-INF so that it is accessible.
cc'ing Ken to see what he thinks.



I want to use classes from other packages to create my jsf pages like etc.
How should I achieve it??

Sushant Taneja

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