Re: admin infrastructure arch review ...

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 14:46:47 -0700


1) 4.1.2


"The launcher process must not exit."
change to:
The launcher process must not exit unless the user enters a ^C blah blah

Currently ^C will stop DAS as well as CLI



How to implement this is a big question mark. The CLI::Launcher process
must be able to receive a message to shutdown from the outside world.
Adding a server socket listening on a port is easy. But configuring,
handling port conflicts, making sure GUI knows the port number
and security makes it suddenly NOT easy.



The commandline is still logged in V3.
No need for parsing domain.xml -- just look in the logfile!

Jul 15, 2008 11:43:09 PM
com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: JVM invocation command line:



Recommend explicitly pointing out that the ORDER of setting
env-variables is critical. Namely,
they should be added to the HashMap in the reverse order of precedence.
The values that "stick" will be the ones of highest precedence

General Comment: Since we will now be using the OS's environment, why
don't we change the concept of System Property? We change EVERY call of


in the V3 codebase to


which is implemented like so...

public static String GFSystem.getProperty(String s)
    String val = System.getProperty(s);
    if(val != null)
        return val;

    return System.getenv(s);

Kedar Mhaswade wrote:

> Just to let you know that I have received lot of feedback on the
> infrastructure
> review at asarch. People have a lot to comment on.
> I have also received feedback comments in the e-mail. I will be
> incorporating
> those comments in a day or two.
> Regards,
> Kedar
> (PS - the review is not yet complete)
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Accessible via:
>> ..............................................
>> Lloyd Chambers
>> GlassFish team, admin
>> On Jul 14, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> Kedar's spec is now checked into cvs; I keep a "v3-docs" dir on my
>>> machine; 'www/v3/admin/planning' is the checkout-out hierarchy.
>>> /v3-docs/www/v3/admin/planning
>>> /cvs/glassfish/www/v3/admin/planning/prelude/admin-infra-prelude.html,v
>>> <-- admin-infra-prelude.html
>>> *To check out:*
>>> cvs -d
>>> <>:/cvs co www/v3
>>> ... Now I have to find out how can make
>>> expose www/v3 as an accessible URL.
>>> Lloyd
>>> ..............................................
>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>> <>
>>> GlassFish team, admin
>>> On Jul 13, 2008, at 5:36 PM, Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>>> I have finally been able to post a "ready for review" draft of the
>>>> functional
>>>> specification to the GlassFish Wiki.
>>>> In my view, it is more or less complete description of what we have
>>>> to do
>>>> for GlassFish Prelude. Of course, there will be adjustments based
>>>> on what we
>>>> "can" possibly do. That's what review is for.
>>>> The arch review of this spec is scheduled for Wednesday, July 16 at
>>>> 11.00
>>>> a.m. Pacific. There are two things remaining from the spec but I am
>>>> sure
>>>> the review can progress before they are "complete". They are:
>>>> 1- accurate list of asadmin commands. This seeds test specification,
>>>> documentation and all other teams. It's a must that we agree on
>>>> these.
>>>> 2- association of tasks and owners. This is an activity I'll do in
>>>> conjunction with Nazrul and others.
>>>> Here is the document which tomorrow's discussion revolves around:
>>>> There are some surprises in the spec and I am sure there is lot to
>>>> discuss.
>>>> I expect many of us to be available tomorrow morning at 10.00 a.m.
>>>> Pacific
>>>> for the discussion.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kedar
>>>> Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Following agenda for next admin iTeam meeting includes discussion
>>>>> on admin strategy for JMX and Security. Pl. come preperaed to
>>>>> discuss.
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> sreeni
>>>>> Agenda for 14jul2008
>>>>> 1. Review of action items
>>>>> 2. V3 Prelude deliverables - Milestone 1 (14jul08), SCF (04aug08)
>>>>> 3. Discussion on overall admin strategy for JMX, security
>>>>> 4. Update by QA, Documentation and Development Teams
>>>>> 5. Customer Interaction, Arch. update if any
>>>>> 6. Open Mic.
>>>>> Meeting Details:
>>>>> Mondays 10-11 AM Pacific
>>>>> (866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
>>>>> (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
>>>>> Access Code: 3535518#
>>>>> Email aliases:
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Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.