I do not understand!
Tomorrow is Wednesday. I had confirmed your purposed time for Tuesday
June 17 at 7:00PM and sent it to you yesterday.
I am attaching the confirmation to this email.
Elizabeth Clayton wrote, On 06/17/08 10:01 AM:
> Hi,
> Just checking - we're meeting tomorrow, yes?
> Thanks
> --Liz
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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attached mail follows:
OK. I will call your (315.244.3355) sharp at 7:00PM tomorrow Tue June
17, 2008
Below are my answers to the questions.
1. What kind of person/engineer/leader do you really want to be?
At this moment I am exactly what I had planned to be regarding my
professional career and social status.
2. What will this get you?
This is providing a strong medium for me to lead my professional life
productively and efficiently.
3. What is keeping you from being as effective in your life as you
Nothing at this moment is creating any hindrance toward my objectives.
I am very disciplined and effective in harnessing my time and resources
towards my goals and overcoming barriers.
Currently I am acquiring certain skills in public speaking for becoming
more effective in extending my ideas to a larger real-time audience .
4. What if nothing changes? (What?s at stake here?)
If nothing changes I will keep moving forward as I am now.
Elizabeth J. Agnew wrote, On 06/16/08 01:03 PM:
> Great! Please call my mobile number promptly at 7:00. In preparation for our session, please email me answers to the following questions before we talk.
> 1. What kind of person/engineer/leader do you really want to be?
> 2. What will this get you?
> 3. What is keeping you from being as effective in your life as you want?
> 4. What if nothing changes? (What’s at stake here?)
> Looking forward to it!
> Liz
> Elizabeth J. Agnew, MS, PE
> 650.326.1751 - business
> 315.244.3355 - mobile
> Vision, Goal, Action. Coaching
> In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
> - Robert Heinlein
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kazem Ardekanian []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Coaching Session
> Liz
> Tuesday 7:00PM would work for me.
> Kaz
> ----------Original Message----------
> From: "Elizabeth J. Agnew" <>
> Sent: Sat, June 14, 2008 7:05 PM
> To: Kazem.Ardekanian_at_Sun.COM
> Subject: RE: Coaching Session
> Unfortunately it does not. I could do Tuesday at 7:00 or Thursday at 5:30.
> Do either of those work? We'll figure it out!
> Liz
> Elizabeth J. Agnew, MS, PE
> 650.326.1751 - business
> 315.244.3355 - mobile
> Vision, Goal, Action. Coaching
> In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to
> performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
> - Robert Heinlein
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kazem.Ardekanian_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Kazem.Ardekanian_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 4:40 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Coaching Session
> Liz,
> I will not be available at that time.
> How about Wednesday (June 18) at 6:30PM ?
> Dose it work for you?
> Kaz
> Elizabeth J. Agnew wrote, On 6/13/08 3:14 PM:
>> Hi Kaz,
>> Let’s schedule a complimentary session before you turn 93.
>> How about Monday at 3:00?
>> Liz
>> *Elizabeth J. Agnew, MS, PE* *
>> * <>*
>> *650.326.1751 - business
>> 315.244.3355 - mobile
>> VGA Coaching Leaf.JPG
>> *Vision, Goal, Action* <>. *Coaching
>> * <>
>> /In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to
>> performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
>> <>/
>> - Robert Heinlein <>