Re: updating the support.jsf page

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:00:14 -0700

Hi Irfan,

I don't know of a way to override the xhp.json file. You can ask on the
jmaki alias if you'd like. It's probably best to provide your own which
matches up with the support.jsf file you are providing.

For support reasons, you might want to provide a comment in the original
files stating they are replaced in Sailfin... although I don't expect
these files to change before v3 (in which case we can't support your
code -- as you already know).



Irfan Ahmed wrote:
> Hi Ken and Anissa,
> We need to update the present support.jsf page to have links to
> SailFin specific data. What I have done is created a sysnet directory
> in the SailFin part of the code and have a support.jsf file in there.
> Hence when the installer installs the SailFin part of the GUI the
> GlassFish support.jsf will be overwritten by the SailFin support.jsf
> Another thing we need is to update resources/xhp.json for the jMaki
> blocklist widget. Is there a way to specify a different xhp.json file
> or can we go ahead and update the present xhp.json with SailFin
> specific keys.
> Thanks and Warm Rgds
> Irfan.
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