Re: Please review: more new man pages for TP2

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 17:48:39 -0700
List-application (your) remarks
1)Yes the container is mentioned.  Currently the list of containers is:
phobos, jpa, security, web, jruby, connectors

2) Yes it is remote only

3) Yes - I believe so -- the usual CLI options plus --type

4) the type is one of the container names from above.  It's a bit klunky though:
C:\temp>cli list-applications --type security
FAILURE : Invalid type value, security.
Command list-applications failed.

C:\temp>cli list-applications --type connectors
FAILURE : Invalid type value, connectors.
Command list-applications failed.

security and connectors are internal containers

My Remarks --
I don't see any --target option being accepted by the command


remark 1: It is just a simple list of containers right now.  No status or doc about functionality is available just yet.  I would imagine that that will come later as part of the requirements of a container -- i.e. it needs to describe/explain itself.

remark 2,3: yes remote only and all the usual CLI options are accepted.



My remark: this command is definitely not ready for prime time.  I would class it as a debug command -- at least for TP2

The usual answer:: it is remote-only and it tkes the regular CLI options.

I have no idea what READY/NEW mean.  I suspect that they are just Strings pulled from the build files (pom.xml) that nobody is paying any attention to.

Paul Davies wrote:

Please review the attached new man pages for GlassFish v3 TP2:

* list-applications(1)
* list-containers(1)
* list-modules(1)

Mandatory reviewers: Byron, Jane, Kedar, Sreeni.

Embedded in the man pages are questions. When you review these man pages, please provide answers to these questions if you can. These questions are aimed at reviewers. They will not be present in the delivered man pages.

Please send me your feedback by end of day Wednesday April 9, 2008. Apologies for the short turnaround, but HCF for TP2 is looming.

Thank you!

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Byron Nevins Work 408-276-4089, Home 650-359-1290, Cell 650-784-4123 - Sun Microsystems, Inc.