Re: startserv script documentation (Was -- Re: Appointment: 14apr08, 10 AM Pacific -- Admin Iteam Meeting ...)

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:17:45 -0700

Dixie Pine wrote:
> Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>>>>> * From the <as-install>/bin directory, run the startserv command.
>>>>> but, but, but, I don't see the startserv command on the TP2 list
>>>> what's a "Tp2 list"?
>>> The commands that are included in TP2. The commands that are listed
>>> in Paul's doc plan for the man pages. There is no mention of startserv
>> startserv and stopserv are added for TP-2 only at the moment and are
>> probably self-explanatory in terms of what they do. So, if we don't have
>> documentation for them, it's OK.
>> Also, note that these are separate scripts (that call asadmin
>> internally),
>> and as such are not asadmin "commands".
> Then should we be referring to them in the Quick Start Guide perhaps not...

It's OK to refer to them because "startserv/stopserv" is "quicker" than "asadmin
start/stop-domain" ...

You can also mention "asadmin start/stop-domain" if the QS guide text allows it.

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