[cc'ing 'admin' as this is of general interest]
It's standard JMX Notification, documented somewhere in the JMX code.
But AMX provides some tools to make it easier, at least for more
advanced cases.
For an example of a listener, see
You don't need to extend
com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.NotificationListenerBase, but
doing so provides some benefits, especially if the intent is to listen
to more than one MBean: NotificationListenerBase can except an
ObjectName *pattern*, thus allowing listening to many different MBeans
eg all AMX MBeans.
Assuming you want to listen for AttributeChangeNotification, do this:
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import com.sun.appserv.management.util.jmx. NotificationListenerBase;
import com.sun.appserv.management.base.AMX;
import com.sun.appserv.management.client.ProxyFactory;
MBeanServerConnection mbsc = <an MBeanServer or MBeanServerConnection>;
// eg JMXUtil.newObjectNamePattern( AMX.JMX_DOMAIN, "*" );
// If you have an 'amx', you can do
final ObjectName objectName = <an ObjectName or ObjectName pattern>
MyAttributeChangeListener myListener = new
MyAttributeChangeListener( "AutoDeployer listener", mbsc, objectName );
Always call myListener.cleanup() when done, because listeners listen
class MyAttributeChangeListener extends NotificationListenerBase {
final String name,
final MBeanServerConnection conn,
final ObjectName objectName ) {
super( name, conn, objectName );
mRegUnregFilter = constrain;
public void
handleNotification( final Notification notifIn, final Object
( notifIn
.getType().equals( AttributeChangeNotification.ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE) ) {
final AttributeChangeNotification acn =
// AMX always emits an ObjectName for 'source'
ObjectName src = (ObjectName)acn.getSource();
String attrName = acn.getAttributeName();
Object oldValue = acn.getOldValue();
Object newValue = acn.getNewValue();
// You can turn the ObjectName into an AMX proxy if you like:
if ( ObjectName.getDomain().equals( AMX.JMX_DOMAIN ) )
final <? extends AMX> amx =
ProxyFactory.getInstance(getConn()).getProxy( src );
// proxy is the correct type (class), not just an 'AMX'.
On Mar 17, 2008, at 7:17 AM, Timothy Quinn wrote:
> Hi, Lloyd.
> Apologies if this has been documented or discussed somewhere
> already. Please point me if there is something already written up.
> I noticed that you mentioned in a recent update that config change
> notification is now working. The autodeployer uses some information
> from the config, and although I suspect it is rare that users change
> that information it could happen. I'd like the autodeployer to
> detect and respond when the autodeployer config is changed.
> Can you point me to some doc or a simple example that shows how to
> do this?
> Thanks a lot.
> - Tim
Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc