Jerome: ClassLoading issues

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:22:46 -0800

Hi Jerome,

We've talked briefly about addressing the admin gui ClassLoading needs.
I'd like to get this worked out soon. Over the weekend we spent a lot
of time moving forward (to have content for our JavaOne Lab we are
developing), and ran into ClassLoading issues several times.

So far, I have worked around the issues either by using reflection, or
instantiating new Objects from the data in the old (using reflection).

Do you know what we need already? Or would you like to meet to discuss
our needs?

I'm also curious in learning more about how you scan META-INF
information efficiently. If we can also do this and avoid creating /
instantiating a class, I'd like to look into what effort this requires.


Ken Paulsen