Re: V3 configuration data types API change (please read)

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 14:01:37 -0800

Regarding the translation issue, there is (or might be) an object-
oriented aspect to it eg the MBean scope (context/containment)
indicates where to look for the translated Attribute.

Any helper class would have to specify the Attribute name and the
ObjectName; making it a function-oriented API in conflict with the
object-oriented approach used for everything else.


On Jan 28, 2008, at 10:09 PM, Jerome Dochez wrote:

>> Also, does every MBean need a resolve method, or can a single
>> resolve method
>> suffice for all MBeans? I didn't think there was anything about
>> the resolution
>> process that depended on which attribute you were resolving.
> Again with such a proposal, all the code in glassfish will have to
> go to a special place to translate an attribute into a real value.
> If we decide that a new attribute that was not translatable should
> now become translatable we will have to change ALL the code using
> that attribute from :
> String foo = config.getFoo();
> to
> String foo = MBeanHelp.pleaseTranslate(config.getFoo());
> with the view mechanism of intercepting attribute, you don't have
> to change any code, the interception does the magic.
> As a conclusion I would like to understand :
> - how many incompatibilities would we see in AMX config interfaces ?
> - how much code really needs access to both translated and raw
> attributes values concurrently ?

Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc