Sounds like a bug. Or a latency issue. If you insert a 5 second
delay after stop() [I know that's not a solution], is it still in
On Jan 28, 2008, at 8:20 AM, Olivier Corbun wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to start and stop a web module through AMX. I can do that
> but I wanted to check with you about a strange state value on my
> managed object after stop() is invoked.
> Basically what I am doing:
> - deploy a web module
> - look for the web nodule with AMX and get a J2EEDeployedObject.
> - invoke stop() on the J2EEDeployedObject that is in the STATE_RUNNING
> (1) state.
> - the web module is stopped and not available anymore in my browser
> - look again for the web module via AMX and check the state
> - the web module is in the STATE_STARTING (0) state !!!
> - after that I can invoke start() via AMX, the web module is restarted
> and gets STATE_RUNNING.
> Do you follow JSR77 (StateManageable states) or is it a 0/1 state
> machine?
> /Olivier
> Ericsson, Sweden
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Lloyd L Chambers
Sun Microsystems, Inc