Re: V3 configuration data types API change (please read) [resend in plain text]

From: Kedar Mhaswade <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:51:39 -0800

This is not a new issue. We had this problem (!) for V2 and before that too.

I don't see any way around this. Providing both type-safe and unsafe
varieties makes API too complex. So, I think we have no choice but to
Stringify all getters/setters.

Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
> VARIABLES in GlassFish config
> In GlassFish V2, there is a form of variable substitution whereby any
> Attribute can be of the form ${VAR_NAME}, with values from
> <system-properties> providing the actual value at runtime. This is very
> useful in multi-server systems, where different values can be
> substituted at runtime (eg for a port). Thus, every Attribute
> potentially is of type java.lang.String, and any API exposing that
> Attribute must also be of type java.lang.String to support these
> variable substitution.
> AMX APIs for config
> AMX (JMX management API for managing the appserver) use data types which
> are largely java.lang.String. However, there is use of 'int', 'boolean',
> 'long' in some places. For example, HTTPListenerConfig includes:
> public boolean getEnabled();
> public void setEnabled( boolean value );
> (see
> )
> In short, the AMX API is broken should a variable be used for the
> 'enabled' Attribute. Short of using overloaded getters/setters with
> different signatures, there is no other apparent resolution to this issue.
> To support variables which are inherently multi-types (String or
> 'int'/'boolean'/etc), all attributes will become type java.lang.String
> in the AMX interfaces. This will be an incompatible change, and it
> removes compile-time type safety.
> Please convey any concerns or suggestions you might have.
> ---
> Lloyd L Chambers
> Sun Microsystems, Inc
> ---
> Lloyd L Chambers
> Sun Microsystems, Inc
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