I will be umable to attend Monday's meeting because of a one-off meeting conflict.
Doc status for AS 9.1 U1:
* All bugs approved for AS 9.1 U1 against online help, inline help, and man
pages are fixed.
* Online help about registration with Sun Connection has been delivered for the
Administration Console GUI and the Update Center.
* Requests for changes to index.html and related pages are being processed.
* Work on the Release Notes and updates required to the Installation Guide
should start this week.
* Deadline for publication of new and changed documentation on the
docs.sun.com[sm] site is the Friday before FCS (currently Friday
December 7 for a planned FCS date of 13 December).
* Issue tracker issues against the documentation that is published on the
docs.sun.com site are identifed by the prefix [UB] in the Summary field. The
deadline for resolving these issues is the Friday before FCS (currently Friday
December 7 for a planned FCS date of 13 December).
Doc status for GlassFish v3: Planning meetings have just started. For details,
see the GlassFish v3 Documentation Meetings page at
http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=GlassFishV3DocMeetings .
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.