Your action needed based on GlassFish V2 Admin iTeam Meeting Minutes

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:06:51 -0700

Hi All,

Thanks to Sankar for hosting the yesterday's admin iTeam meeting
and the minutes <>.

It was decided that the weekly meetings be hosted on round-robin fashion
so each week the meeting will be hosted by a different admin team
memebr. The initial list can be found here
under 'Meeting Host Schedule'. If you are identified as the host, pl.
make sure to follow the meeting procedure
<> for
coming up with agenda, announcing it and conduct of the meeting. If you
cannot host the meeting on the given date, pl. arrange to get it exchanged.

Another decision was to start discussing about the existing features of
admin modules and how we can improve. Following is the list to start
with, and to make things easier, who ever is hosting the meeting will
lead the discussion on his/her related module.

      Review of Admin Infrastructure Modules

15oct07 Byron Application Server Launcher Process
22oct07 Kedar Admin Infrastructure
29oct07 Nandini Sailfin
05nov07 Rajeshwar Update Center/Sysnet
12nov07 Jane CLI
19nov07 Sreeni AddOn Infrastruture
26nov07 Prashanth Load Balancer
03dec07 Sankar QA

Pl. let us know if you have any suggestions/comments.
