Re: defined properties for http-service element

From: <June.Parks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 10:28:36 -0700

Okay, hopefully I got it right this time:*

June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:

> Oops, this is the externally viewable link:
> June
> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>> The Admin Reference documents properties as well as the elements and
>> attributes in the domain DTD. The AS 9.1 version is of the
>> http-service description is here:
>> http://docsview.sfbay/app/docs/doc/819-3674/6n5skvtlh?a=view#abhcq
>> BTW, I have asked which http-service and http-listener properties
>> apply to sip-service and sip-listener, but no one has answered me.
>> June
>> Irfan Ahmed wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> The http-service element page in the GUI lists out 3 properties,
>>> accessLoggingEnabled, accessLogBufferSize and
>>> accessLogWriteInterval. In addition to this the page also displays a
>>> properties table.
>>> I have a few questions in this regard..
>>> 1. What is the difference between these 3 properties and the
>>> properties that can appear in the table.
>>> 2. Is there a document pointing out such properties as these are
>>> not listed in the DTD.
>>> If you can guide me to some wiki page that details this out, that
>>> would be great.
>>> Thanks and Warm Rgds,
>>> Irfan
>>> --
>>> Irfan Ahmed | Sun Microsystems Inc., Bangalore, India. |
>>> 9180-66927726, x27726