Re: Feedback Needed

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 16:44:05 -0700

I agree that start-instance and start-cluster ought to be the same in
terms of how they deal with error messages.

In the case where error messages are being displayed on the console,
can't we use a different java.util.logging.Formatter to format the
messages in a more readable style?

And of course we should look carefully at the errors that are being
logged and see if they really indicate errors. If they indicate a
normal or expected situation, they ought to be logged at a much lower

Byron Nevins wrote:
> I am working on a bug (Sun: 6588834) and I need a little feedback. It's
> going to take lots of time to massage the error messages into something
> more readable, and I don't want to do that if the end result is not
> wanted at all. The proposal is to include this change in UR1
> Current problems: (1) If you start a cluster with 'asadmin
> start-cluster' any logged warnings and/or errors for the instances are
> printed. There are warnings that always seem to appear. (2) If you
> start an instance with 'asadmin start-instance' any logged warnings
> and/or errors for the instances are NOT printed. This is inconsistent.
> (3) It's ugly and alarming-looking.
> Possible solutions:
> (1) make start-instance and start-cluster do the same thing. We should
> definitely do this for consistency.
> (2) completely drop the printing of warning/errors. I think this is
> undesirable. OPINIONS????
> (3) Beautify the errors. See below for what I have in mind. OPINIONS?
> -- If I get no opinions back I'll go with ding (1) and (3)
> =================== PROPOSED OUTPUT ============================
> D:\jws\glassfish\admin-ee>asadmin start-instance i1
> i1 started successfully.
> 3 Warnings were logged during start-instance:
> WARNING: [C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation
> [localhost:37676]. - cause: Co
> nnection refused: connect|#]
> WARNING: |EJB5108:Unable to initialize EJB Timer Service. The likely
> cause is the database has not been started or the timer database table
> has not been created.|#]
> WARNING |RAR5005:Error in accessing XA resource with JNDI name
> [__CallFlowPool] for recovery|#]
> Command start-instance executed successfully.
> =================== CURRENT OUTPUT ============================
> The clustered instance, clustered_instance_1, was successfully started.
> error 0 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:32.203-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.jms|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=31da0d1e-07f8-40f8-b843-438a1806
> 4391;|[C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:37676].
> - cause:
> Connection refused|#]
> error 1 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:33.213-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.jms|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=31da0d1e-07f8-40f8-b843-438a1806
> 4391;|[C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:37676].
> - cause:
> Connection refused|#]
> error 2 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:44.513-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=pool-1-thread-2;Time
> rBean;_RequestID=968936af-d819-4de6-90c7-3cb3f0ba931b;|EJB5108:Unable to
> initial
> ize EJB Timer Service. The likely cause is the database has not been
> started or
> the timer database table has not been created.|#]
> error 3 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:46.137-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;__CallFlowP
> ool;_RequestID=31da0d1e-07f8-40f8-b843-438a18064391;|RAR5005:Error in
> accessing
> XA resource with JNDI name [__CallFlowPool] for recovery|#]
> The clustered instance, clustered_instance_2, was successfully started.
> error 0 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:31.103-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.jms|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=61061430-28be-428d-8024-21ae76ce
> 8f49;|[C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:37677].
> - cause:
> Connection refused|#]
> error 1 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:32.113-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.jms|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;_RequestID=61061430-28be-428d-8024-21ae76ce
> 8f49;|[C4003]: Error occurred on connection creation [localhost:37677].
> - cause:
> Connection refused|#]
> error 2 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:43.371-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=11;_ThreadName=pool-1-thread-2;Time
> rBean;_RequestID=9d6974db-6dd0-4325-b349-393456042f9d;|EJB5108:Unable to
> initial
> ize EJB Timer Service. The likely cause is the database has not been
> started or
> the timer database table has not been created.|#]
> error 3 [#|2007-08-02T07:29:45.045-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1|jav
> ax.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;__CallFlowP
> ool;_RequestID=61061430-28be-428d-8024-21ae76ce8f49;|RAR5005:Error in
> accessing
> XA resource with JNDI name [__CallFlowPool] for recovery|#]
> Command start-cluster executed successfully.