Re: GF woes

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:23:17 -0700

Hi Will,

Unfortunately I do not know the cause of the problem you are seeing.  However, I'll offer a few things to help you look into it more.

If it (and by "it" I'm assuming you mean the GlassFish admin console, ie. http://localhost:4848) works on Firefox, this means the server is responding to requests from the browser and is generally running.  However, on Safari, you're not getting any response.  This means the request from Safari is different than the one from Firefox.  Here are some things to check:

1) The URL, make sure you're pointing at the right machine (I'm sure you are, but I had to mention this one)

2) Your proxy settings... if you're going through a proxy on 1 and not the other, it may not be reaching the server.

3) Your browser cache... make sure Firefox and/or Safari aren't just returning a cached response.

4) Try this URL: http://localhost:4848/info.jsf -- this will go directly to a page vs. trying to redirect.... perhaps Safari isn't redirecting to the login page correctly.

5) Turn on access logging so you can see what the browsers are requesting when they access the server.  You can do this by:

    - Editing <gf-install>/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml and changing:

            <property name="accessLoggingEnabled" value="false"/>


            <property name="accessLoggingEnabled" value="true"/>

    - Restart your server

    After you have this enabled, you can view the access log in your .../logs/access/ directory.  Look for your 404 to see what might be wrong w/ the request.  If you don't see the 404 error message in this file, the browser is not talking to the server (meaning a proxy problem, caching, or wrong URL).

Thos are some of the things to check that come to mind.  I hope this help.  Let us know how it goes.

Good luck!

Ken Paulsen

Will Hartung wrote:
First off, thanx for taking the time out of your day to take a look at this. I really appreciate it.

I tried running it in Firefox on my Mac, and voila, the login came up. 

I still get the 404 in Safari, but it works in Firefox. This is quite odd, because I have an earlier GF v2 (forget the build off hand) and it runs fine in Safari. And I know I have a build later than the beta working on my Mac at home (again on Safari, and they both run the same version of Mac OS and Safari).

I still can't say what's happening on my PC. This was happening late in the day, and details are fuzzy. But, effectively, I was getting a similar result. There I was running IE 6.

Nonetheless, here's the domain.xml and log files (the domain is the stock generated one from the install).

The fact that I can at least work in Firefox obviously brings light back in to the day, but it's certainly odd behavior.

Thanx again for your time, I really appreciate it.


Will Hartung


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