Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
> TIMEOUT: 17:00 PST May 3
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=2965
> dpatil: com/sun/enterprise/util/collection/IntEntry.java:67:70 HE:
> com.sun.enterprise.util.collection.IntEntry defines equals and uses
> Object.hashCode() (H)
> dpatil: com/sun/enterprise/util/collection/LongEntry.java:62:65 HE:
> com.sun.enterprise.util.collection.LongEntry defines equals and uses
> Object.hashCode()
> I made the objects immutable as well.
Looks like someone should audit all the files for extraneous
"confidential and proprietary" copyright notices.
These classes use only the key for equality, the hash code should
only use the key as well. Otherwise, two equal objects could
have different hash codes.