Re: Please review: changes to asadmin help man page

From: Mark Saunders <Mark.Saunders_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 09:20:23 -0700

Paul, Thanks for getting the jbi command in this list. Reviewing this I
did notice one thing. The command *upgrade*-jbi-component is being
changed to *update*-jbi-component. The man pages will need to have any
reference of upgrade changed to update as well.


Paul Davies wrote:
> Hi,
> While fixing a bug against the asadmin help man page, I discovered
> that a number of asadmin commands were missing from this page.
> I have modified the page to add the missing commands. Please review
> the changes to ensure that I have not erroneously added any commands.
> The man page is attached in PDF and text formats. In the PDF version,
> the additions are marked with change bars.
> Deadline for reviews is 12 midday Pacific Time, Friday June 1. If I
> do not receive a reply by then, I will assume that this man page is OK.
> Thank you.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> User Commands help(1)
> help - displays the asadmin utility commands
> help [command_name]
> command_name [--help | -?]
> The help command displays a list of all the asadmin utility
> commands. Specify the command to display the usage informa-
> tion for that command. To display the manpage of each com-
> mand, use the syntax: asadmin command_name --help | -? or
> asadmin help command_name
> The following is a list of all the asadmin utility commands:
> add-resources
> registers the resource in the specified XML file
> apply-http-lb-changes
> applies load balancer configuration changes to the load
> balancer
> backup-domain
> performs a backup on the domain
> change-admin-password
> changes the administrator password
> change-master-password
> changes the master password
> clear-ha-store
> deletes tables in the HA database
> configure-ha-cluster
> configures an existing cluster to be High Availability
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 1
> User Commands help(1)
> configure-ha-persistence
> enables configuration of parameters related to session
> persistence
> configure-http-lb-config
> creates, configures, and exports a load balancer confi-
> guration
> configure-lb-weight
> sets load balancing weights for clustered instances
> configure-webservice-management
> sets the monitoring or maxhistory or attributes of a
> deployed webservice
> copy-config
> copies an existing configuration to create a new confi-
> guration
> create-admin-object
> adds the administered object with the specified JNDI
> name
> create-application-ref
> creates a reference to an application
> create-audit-module
> creates an audit module for the optional plugin module
> create-auth-realm
> adds the named authorized realm
> create-cluster
> creates a cluster
> create-connector-connection-pool
> adds a connection pool with the specified connection
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 2
> User Commands help(1)
> pool name
> create-connector-resource
> registers the resource with the specified JNDI name
> create-connector-security-map
> creates or modifies a security map for the named connec-
> tor connection pool
> create-custom-resource
> registers the custom resource
> create-domain
> creates a domain with the specified name
> create-file-user
> creates a new file user
> create-ha-store
> creates tables in HA database that are used by HA clus-
> ter
> create-http-health-checker
> creates a health-checker for a specified load balancer
> configuration
> create-http-lb
> creates a load balancer
> create-http-lb-config
> creates a configuration for the load balancer
> create-http-lb-ref
> add an existing cluster or server instance to an exist-
> ing load balancer configuration
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 3
> User Commands help(1)
> create-http-listener
> adds a new HTTP listener socket
> create-iiop-listener
> adds the IIOP listener
> create-instance
> creates an instance with the given name
> create-javamail-resource
> registers the Javamail resource
> create-jdbc-connection-pool
> registers the JDBC connection pool
> create-jdbc-resource
> registers the JDBC resource
> create-jms-host
> creates a JMS host
> create-jms-resource
> registers the JMS resource
> create-jmsdest
> adds the named destination
> create-jndi-resource
> registers the JNDI resource
> create-jvm-options
> creates the JVM options from the Java configuration or
> profiler elements
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 4
> User Commands help(1)
> create-lifecycle-module
> adds a lifecycle module
> create-management-rule
> creates a new management rule
> create-mbean
> creates and registers a custom MBean
> create-message-security-provider
> enables administrators to create the message-security-
> config and provider-config sub-elements for the security
> service in domain.xml
> create-node-agent-config
> adds a new unbound node agent to a domain
> create-node-agent
> creates a node agent and its associated directory struc-
> ture
> create-password-alias
> creates a password alias
> create-persistence-resource
> registers the persistence resource
> create-profiler
> creates the profiler element
> create-resource-adapter-config
> creates the resource adapter Java bean
> create-resource-ref
> creates a reference to a resource
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 5
> User Commands help(1)
> create-service
> configures the starting of a DAS or node agent on an
> unattended boot
> create-ssl
> creates the SSL element in the HTTP listener or IIOP
> listener
> create-system-properties
> adds or updates one or more system properties of the
> domain, configuration, cluster, or server instance
> create-threadpool
> creates the thread pool
> create-transformation-rule
> creates transformation rule for a deployed web service
> create-virtual-server
> adds the named virtual server
> delete-admin-object
> removes the administered object with the specified JNDI
> name
> delete-application-ref
> removes a reference to an application
> delete-audit-module
> deletes the audit-module for the optional plugin module
> delete-auth-realm
> removes the named authorized realm
> delete-cluster
> deletes a cluster
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 6
> User Commands help(1)
> delete-config
> deletes an existing configuration
> delete-connector-connection-pool
> removes the specified connection pool
> delete-connector-resource
> removes the named resource connector
> delete-connector-security-map
> deletes the named security map
> delete-custom-resource
> removes the custom resource
> delete-domain
> deletes the given domain
> delete-file-user
> removes the named file user
> delete-http-health-checker
> deletes a health-checker for a specified load balancer
> configuration
> delete-http-lb
> deletes a load balancer
> delete-http-lb-config
> deletes a load balancer configuration
> delete-http-lb-ref
> deletes the cluster or server instance from a load
> balancer configuration
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 7
> User Commands help(1)
> delete-http-listener
> removes the HTTP listener
> delete-iiop-listener
> removes the IIOP listener
> delete-instance
> deletes the instance that is not running
> delete-javamail-resource
> removes the Javamail resource
> delete-jdbc-connection-pool
> removes the JDBC connection pool
> delete-jdbc-resource
> removes the JDBC resource
> delete-jms-host
> removes a JMS host
> delete-jms-resource
> removes the JMS resource
> delete-jmsdest
> destroys the named destination
> delete-jndi-resource
> removes the JNDI resource
> delete-jvm-options
> deletes the JVM options from the Java configuration or
> profiler elements
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 8
> User Commands help(1)
> delete-lifecycle-module
> removes the lifecycle module
> delete-management-rule
> deletes a specified management rule
> delete-mbean
> deletes a custom MBean
> delete-message-security-provider
> enables administrators to delete a provider-config sub-
> element for the given message layer (message-security-
> config element of domain.xml)
> delete-node-agent-config
> removes a node agent from a domain
> delete-node-agent
> deletes the node agent and its associated directory
> structure
> delete-password-alias
> deletes a password alias
> delete-persistence-resource
> removes the persistence resource
> delete-profiler
> deletes the profiler element
> delete-resource-adapter-config
> deletes the resource adapter Java bean
> delete-resource-ref
> removes a reference to a resource
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 9
> User Commands help(1)
> delete-ssl
> deletes the ssl element from the HTTP listener or IIOP
> listener
> delete-system-property
> removes one or more system properties of the domain,
> configuration, cluster, or server instance
> delete-threadpool
> deletes the thread pool
> delete-transformation-rule
> deletes the transformation rule of a given web service
> delete-virtual-server
> deletes the virtual server with the named virtual server
> ID
> deploy-jbi-service-assembly
> deploys a service assembly into the JBI environment
> deploy
> deploys the specified component
> deploydir
> deploys the component that is in the specified direc-
> tory, located in the domain application server
> disable-http-lb-server
> disables a sever or cluster managed by a load balancer
> disable-http-lb-application
> disables an application managed by a load balancer
> disable
> stops the specified, deployed component
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 10
> User Commands help(1)
> display-error-distribution
> displays distribution of errors from instance server.log
> at module level
> display-error-statistics
> displays a summary list of severities and warnings
> display-log-records
> displays all the error messages for a given module at a
> given timestamp
> enable-http-lb-application
> enables a previously-disabled application managed by a
> load balancer
> enable-http-lb-server
> enables a previously disabled sever or cluster managed
> by a load balancer
> enable
> runs the specified, deployed component
> export-http-lb-config
> exports the load balancer configuration to a file that
> can be used by the load balancer
> export
> marks a variable name for automatic export to the
> environment of subsequent commands in multimode
> flush-jmsdest
> purges the messages in a JMS destination
> freeze-transaction-service
> immobilizes the named transaction service
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 11
> User Commands help(1)
> generate-diagnostic-report
> generates reports that can help diagnose application
> server malfunctioning
> generate-jvm-report
> shows the threads, classes and memory for a given target
> instance
> get-client-stubs
> gets the stubs of the client
> get-hadb-info
> gets the HADB database attributes
> get
> gets the values of the monitorable or configurable
> attributes
> get-health
> provides information on the cluster health
> help
> displays a list of all the commands available in the
> command-line interface
> install-jbi-component
> installs a service engine or binding component into the
> JBI environment
> install-jbi-shared-library
> installs a shared library into the JBI environment
> is-hadb-installed
> reports on whether the HADB is installed and is accessi-
> ble
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 12
> User Commands help(1)
> jms-ping
> checks to see if the JMS provider is running
> list-admin-objects
> lists all the administered objects
> list-application-refs
> lists all application references in a cluster or
> unclustered server instance
> list-audit-modules
> lists the audit modules
> list-auth-realms
> lists the authorized realms
> list-backups
> lists all backups and restores
> list-clusters
> lists the existing clusters
> list-components
> lists deployed components
> list-configs
> lists all existing configurations
> list-connection-groups
> gets the connection groups
> list-connector-connection-pools
> gets all the connection pools
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 13
> User Commands help(1)
> list-connector-resources
> gets all the connector resources
> list-connector-security-maps
> lists the security maps for the connector connection
> pool
> list-custom-resources
> gets all the custom resources
> list-domains
> lists the domains in the given domains directory
> list-file-groups
> lists the file groups
> list-file-users
> lists the file users
> list-http-lb-configs
> lists load balancer configurations
> list-http-lbs
> lists load balancers
> list-http-listeners
> gets the HTTP listeners
> list-iiop-listeners
> gets the IIOP listeners
> list-instances
> lists all the instances in the server
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 14
> User Commands help(1)
> list-javamail-resources
> gets all the Javamail resources
> list-jdbc-connection-pools
> registers the JDBC connection pool
> list-jdbc-resources
> gets all the JDBC resources
> list-jbi-binding-components
> lists the binding components installed on the specified
> target
> list-jbi-service-assemblies
> lists the service assemblies installed into the JBI
> environment
> list-jbi-service-engines
> lists the service engines installed on the specified
> target
> list-jbi-shared-libraries
> lists the JBI shared libraries that are installed into
> the JBI environment
> list-jms-hosts
> lists the existing JMS hosts
> list-jms-resources
> gets all the JMS resources
> list-jmsdest
> gets all the named destinations
> list-jndi-entries
> gets all the named destinations, browses and queries the
> JNDI tree
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 15
> User Commands help(1)
> list-jndi-resources
> gets all the JNDI resources
> list-lifecycle-modules
> gets the lifecycle modules
> list-management-rules
> lists the management rules created using the create-
> management-rule command
> list-mbeans
> lists the custom mbeans for a given target server
> instance
> list-message-security-providers
> enables administrators to list all security message pro-
> viders (provider-config sub-elements) for the given mes-
> sage layer (message-security-config element of
> domain.xml)
> list-node-agents
> lists the node agents along with their status
> list-password-aliases
> lists all password aliases
> list-persistence-resources
> gets all the persistence resources
> list-registry-locations
> returns list of configured web service registry access
> points
> list-resource-adapter-configs
> lists the resource adapters configured in an instance
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 16
> User Commands help(1)
> list-resource-refs
> lists the existing resource references
> list-shared-libraries
> lists the shared libraries installed into the JBI
> environment
> list-sub-components
> lists EJBs or Servlets in a deployed module or in a
> module of a deployed application
> list-system-properties
> lists the system properties of the domain, configura-
> tion, cluster, or server instance
> list-threadpools
> lists the thread pools
> list-timers
> lists all of the timers owned by server instance(s)
> list-transformation-rules
> lists all the transformation rules of a given webservice
> list-virtual-servers
> gets the virtual servers
> list
> lists the configurable elements and provides the fully
> qualified dotted names of the management components that
> have read-only or modifiable attributes
> login
> lets you log in to a domain
> migrate-timers
> moves a timer when a server instance stops
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 17
> User Commands help(1)
> monitor
> displays monitoring data for commonly-used Application
> Server components
> multimode
> allows you to execute multiple commands while returning
> environment settings and remaining in the asadmin util-
> ity
> ping-connection-pool
> tests if a connection pool is usable
> ping-hadb-agent
> reports whether an HADB Management Agent can be communi-
> cated with
> publish-to-registry
> publishes all the web service artifacts to registries
> recover-transactions
> manually recovers pending transactions
> remove-ha-cluster
> returns an HA cluster to non-HA status
> restart-hadb
> stops and starts the specified HADB database
> restart
> restarts the database
> restore-domain
> restores files from backup
> rollback-transaction
> rolls back the named transaction
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 18
> User Commands help(1)
> set-hadb-info
> sets the HADB database attributes
> set
> sets the values of attributes. Set command can be used
> to modify default properties of a resource.
> show-component-status
> displays the status of the deployed component
> show-jbi-binding-component
> shows detailed information about the specified binding
> component
> show-jbi-service-assembly
> shows detailed information about a specified service
> assembly
> show-jbi-service-engine
> shows detailed information about the specified service
> engine
> show-jbi-shared-library
> shows detailed information about a specified shared
> library
> shut-down-jbi-component
> shuts down a service engine or a binding component on
> the specified target
> shut-down-jbi-service-assembly
> shuts down a JBI service assembly on the specified tar-
> get
> start-appserv
> starts the domains in the specified domains directory
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 19
> User Commands help(1)
> start-callflow-monitoring
> provides the complete callflow/path of a request
> start-cluster
> starts a cluster
> start-database
> starts the bundled Java DB database
> start-domain
> starts the given domain
> start-hadb
> starts the specified HADB database
> start-instance
> starts a server instance
> start-jbi-component
> starts a service engine or a binding component on the
> specified target
> start-jbi-service-assembly
> starts a service assembly on the specified target
> start-node-agent
> starts a node agent
> stop-appserv
> stops the domains in the specified domains directory
> stop-callflow-monitoring
> disables collection of callflow information of a request
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 20
> User Commands help(1)
> stop-cluster
> stops a cluster
> stop-database
> stops the bundled Java DB database
> stop-domain
> stops the given domain
> stop-hadb
> stops the specified HADB database
> stop-instance
> stops a server instance
> stop-jbi-component
> stops a service engine or a binding component on the
> specified target
> stop-jbi-service-assembly
> stops a service assembly on the specified target
> stop-node-agent
> stops a node agent
> undeploy-jbi-service-assembly
> undeploys a service assembly on the specified target
> undeploy
> removes a component in the domain application server
> unfreeze-transaction-service
> mobilizes the named transaction service
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 21
> User Commands help(1)
> uninstall-jbi-component
> uninstalls a service engine or binding component on the
> specified target
> uninstall-jbi-shared-library
> uninstalls a shared library on the specified target
> unpublish-from-registry
> unpublishes the web service artifacts from the regis-
> tries
> unset
> removes one or more variables from the multimode
> environment
> update-connector-security-map
> creates or modifies a security map for the specified
> connector connection pool
> update-file-user
> updates a current file user as specified
> update-password-alias
> updates a password alias
> upgrade-jbi-component
> upgrades a service engine or binding component
> verify-domain-xml
> verifies the content of the domain.xml
> version
> displays the version information
> The following commands are deprecated:
> o display-license
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 22
> User Commands help(1)
> o install-license
> o restart-instance
> o shutdown
> o create-acl
> o delete-acl
> o list-acls
> o start-appserv
> o stop-appserv
> Example 1 Using help
> asadmin> help
> asadmin> create-domain --help
> Where: create-domain is the command you wish to view the
> usage for.
> asadmin(1)
> Java EE 5 Last change: 30 May 2007 23
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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