Re: API for creating a AvailabilityServiceConfig

From: kedar <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 11:53:16 -0700

Hi Lloyd,

Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
> Kedar,
> I had gotten a request to add it...I see that it's an optional element
> in the DTD, so are you saying that we always add it?
Yes, we do. And the enabled attribute on it is always true, by default.

I think there is a long-standing debate on whether an administrator
should be able to create an empty <config> element and then add
stuff to it to get to a "working" configuration. But this is rather
hard and quite a bit of history is associated with it. It is more
pragmatic to continue to do the way it is.


> Lloyd
> On Apr 10, 2007, at 11:19 AM, kedar wrote:
>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>> I have a bug filed:
>>> Does anyone know the API in com.sun.appserv for creating an
>>> <availability-service>?
>> No.
>>> Does it get created on its own?
>> Yes. It is a default configuration that is already present
>> in all <config> elements.
>> Kedar
>>> Lloyd
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