Re: Pointers to docs and doc plans

From: Rebecca Parks <June.Parks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:21:19 -0700

I noticed that the project page doesn't link to your 9.1 page. You
might want to add a 9.1 link.


Paul Davies wrote On 03/14/07 01:54 PM,:

> Hi,
> Here's the information that I said I would give:
> * Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 beta docs
> * List of documentation plans:
> http://swpubs.sfbay/writing/appserver/as9.1/ (see the section:
> Planning
> Information)
> Also, here's a pointer to the beta2 milestone page that I mentioned:
> According to this page the datesare as fllows:
> * Beta2 HCF: Mar 28, create a beta2 branch
> * Beta2 Release candidate1: 4/4
> * Beta2 Final Candidate: 4/11
> * Beta2 Release: 5/1
> Regards,