This method is actually called by another class in a different package.
The args parsing doesn't look that painful. Omitting the comments, it's
only 9 lines of code.
If the array of args is passed then the caller method will look like this:
(1) chmod(new String[] {"-R", "u+x"}, layout.getBinDir());
instead of this:
(2) chmod("-R u+x", layout.getBinDir()); <--- this is how it is
called in
Doesn't (2) look more pleasant? :-)
Also, in a separate e-mail to Byron, I told him that I don't know if I
can log a warning message in server.log. This code is in servermgnt.
I'll add the code to check if file exists, but I'd need to wrap the
message in an exception so it is handled by the caller which eventually
is CLI. CLI will display the message in stdout.
Byron Nevins wrote:
> I would wager that there /are/ no subclasses in other packages. If
> so, this is a case where adding "protected" made maintenance harder
> and more expensive.
> Ref:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Byron Nevins wrote:
>>> * It's too bad that the chmod method is declared as protected
>>> rather than as nothing (package-private). If it was -- you could
>>> just change the caller code (3 places in the package) to pass in
>>> an array of args instead of doing all of that painful
>>> processing. But, since it is protected there could be another
>>> caller of the
>>> chmod anywhere in the other millions of lines of code, so forget
>>> this idea! Moral for interested readers: don't use protected
>>> unless it is necessary.
>> Can't you find all the subclasses and fix them as necessary?
>> This isn't a public API, right?
>> Or, if you're really paranoid, add another chmod method that
>> takes the arg array and change the callers to use it.
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