If possible, take a look at profiles one pager as well.
Let me know if there are any clarifications needed.
Also, take a look at the bash command completion stuff.
Issue Tracker: issue no. 1190.
Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
> Sorry for the inconvenience. While Senthil tries to resolve the issue,
> here is the agenda for today's iTeam meeting at 1pm.
> Venue: SCA 14, Big Thunder Mountain: 2360/2
> US Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
> International Caller Paid: (865) 673-6950
> Access Code: 3535518#
> Agenda:
> * Review of action items based on previous meetings
> o Review of 8.2 admin docs
> o Documentation for virtual servers to be improved
> o Admin Infrastructure one pager clarifications, if any
> * 9.1 bugs review
> * Status from each team (QA, Docs, and Development)
> * Open Mic
> thanks
> sreeni
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> There is some authentication/authorization problem in the wiki.
>> Everybody is bumping into it and Senthil is looking into it.
>> - eduard/o
>> Rebecca Parks wrote:
>>> I tried logging in with all four of my system user names and could
>>> not view the agenda page. Finally I created a new profile for
>>> myself. But then when I tried to access the page, I wasn't even
>>> prompted for a login, but simply forbidden to view the page. What's
>>> going on?
>>> June
>>> Sreenivas Munnangi wrote On 09/20/06 09:38,:
>>>> http://www.glassfishwiki.org/gfwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=GlassFishV2AdminMeetings
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