Minutes of meeting - Admin iTeam discussion _at_ 1:15 pm on 07/26/2006

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 14:48:34 -0700

Present: Abhijit, Siraj, Prashant, Sreeni, Jane, Kedar, Kazem, Judy,
Sankar, Hanan, Byron

Discussion Summary:

01. For 8.2, admin team has 7 bugs and few of the bugs are ready for
checkin and awaiting cvs status from Sathyan. Other bugs need to be
handled on priority.

02. For better handling of admin password thru asadmin login and use of
password file, Kazem is requested to file an RFE.

03. Kazem informed that the priority of bug# 6438582 is lowered to P4
which shouldn't have been done. Abhijit explained the possible reasons
why a bug gets lowered in priority for meeting release criteria and
later gets re-evaluated.

Also QA team was requested, in cases of complex bugs to retain the
machine setup until the dev. team has a chance to reproduce the bug
since traditionally the dev. teams do not have distributed machine setup.

For the above bug, Sankar will try to reproduce and update the bug.

04. Hanan mentioned that Rand is leaving and his documentation
activities are being reassigned. When the reassignment is done, Hanan
will update the iTeam accordingly.

05. Hanan requested to include IEC team members in the iteam meeting.
This means changing the time for iTeam meeting to accomodate SCA and IEC.

Action item for Abhijit and Shreedhar.

06. Forum request/RFEs for providing example resource templates (similar
to jboss) for use with asadmin add-resources command will be considered
for 9.1.
