Hi Jane,
I guess the usability will be some what bad if the commands asks
for every input parameter if user forgets to pass it . But certainly I
would like to see a feature where if more than one required parameter is
missing in a command, the command should report all of those parameters
once. In this example even though I don' pass any required parameters it
reports that only listenerport is required. If the command tells the
user about all the missing parameters it would be much better.
/opt/SUNWappserver/appserver/bin/asadmin create-http-listener httpls1
Usage: create-http-listener [--terse=false] [--echo=false]
[--interactive=true] [--host localhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure |
-s] --user admin_user [--passwordfile file_name] --listeneraddress
address --listenerport listener_port --defaultvs virtual_server
--servername server_name [--acceptorthreads acceptor_threads]
[--xpowered=true] [--redirectport redirect_port]
[--securityenabled=false] [--enabled=true] [--target target(Default
server)] listener_id
CLI014 listenerport is a required option.
Jane Young-Lau wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to solicit your opinion on how CLI (asadmin) prompts for options.
> Currently, if --interactive is true, asadmin would prompt for the user
> and password. It does not prompt for the required options.
> For example, let's take create-jdbc-resource command:
> >asadmin create-jdbc-resource --interactive jdbc_resource
> CLI014 connectionpoolid is a required option.
> Though --interactive is true, the command fails since it requires that
> you enter --connectionpoolid option on the command line. If you
> provide the --connectionpoolid option, the command will prompt the
> user for the user and password:
> >asadmin create-jdbc-resource --interactive --connectionpoolid
> testPool jdbc_resource
> Please enter the admin user name>admin
> Please enter the admin password>
> Command create-jdbc-resource executed successfully.
> The user and password options are prompted since I have not login'd to
> the domain using "asadmin login" command.
> Would you like to see that asadmin commands also prompt for the
> required options as well as the user/password options? Would this be
> a feature well received? Keep in mind that asadmin is mainly use for
> scripting.
> I'd like to know the following:
> YES - adding prompting of required options benefits the usability of
> asadmin
> NO - stay status quo. prompting of user/password is good enough
> Other suggestions?
> Let me know your opinion.
> Thank you,
> Jane