Hi Sreeni,
Can we first send every one the general instructions for ant and NB run,
so each sample owner know what
is in the general instructions and what they need to add for their own
instructions ?
Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi Sreeni,
>> I agree with your suggestion which is what we did in javaee5
>> samples. Will each sample owner write
>> the specific instructions if any in the doc directory for the sample
>> they own ?
> If the general instructions are not sufficient then developer needs to
> document the additional instructions in sample specific document as
> done for Java EE 5 samples.
> cc->dev_at_glassfish-samples.dev.java.net
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
>> Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
>>> Chinmayee Srivathsa wrote:
>>>> This document explains how to create a NetBeans project and
>>>> compile/deploy/run that project.
>>>> However, some sample apps already have a NetBeans project and some
>>>> do not.
>>>> How do we create a top-level instructions page in this scenario?
>>>> Java EE 5 has the NetBeans instructions and all the sample have
>>>> nbprojects.
>>> Finally, we need to have all the samples running with netbeans
>>> excluding exceptions.
>>> We should qualify that these are general instructions for working
>>> with netbeans and the individual samples will provide the specific
>>> instructions which are in addition to general instructions. The main
>>> index.html is expected to provide general instructions as in the
>>> case of Java EE 5 samples.
>>>> I'm not sure what exactly is required from docs here.
>>>> Chinmayee
>>>> On 05/08/09 04:49, Nachiappan Veerappan Nachiappan wrote:
>>>>> Hello Sreeni,
>>>>> Here is a wiki page link
>>>>> http://appserver.sfbay.sun.com/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateNBProjectsForGlassfishSamples
>>>>> which i created for documenting about how to create Netbeans
>>>>> project for glassfish samples.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Nachiappan
>>>>> Sreenivas Munnangi wrote:
>>>>>> Chinmayee,
>>>>>> I have transferred this bug to you for documenting netbeans
>>>>>> instructions as requested in the bug.
>>>>>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=8235
>>>>>> Request Nachi/Vince to provide any pointers/links for the
>>>>>> documentation similar to item 8 of the following link
>>>>>> https://glassfish-samples.dev.java.net/source/browse/*checkout*/glassfish-samples/ws/javaee5/docs/UserREADME.html
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> sreeni