Re: Do I need Java BluePrints

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 15:52:33 -0800

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

The samples project uses BluePrints and it does not mean that you have
to install blueprints project. When you instll javaee5-samples by doing
java -jar javaee5-samples-1.0-installer.jar it automatically expands
bp-project and javaee5 at the same level or in the same directory. Then
follow the build instructuins as mentioned by you.



Pepe Álvarez de Lara wrote:

> Hi,
> I find myself in a particular situation. I want to install the
> javaee5-samples-1.0-installer.jar, but I need to have installed Java
> BluePrints. I use NetBeans 6.5 and glassfish v2ur2 all integrated in
> the IDE on Windows Vista
> When I go to the directory samples I find that I have not the
> bp-project directory.
> You say you must set up Application Server environment and follow the
> basic steps in the Common Build Instructions for Sample Applications
> <*checkout*/glassfish-samples/ws/javaee5/docs/UserREADME.html>
> to configure your environment. When I get there you say the sample
> applications use the Java BluePrints build system that employs a set
> of Ant build scripts (XML files) in the samples/bp-project directory
> that I have not.
> Following, in Procedure, step 2:
> Edit the file <javaee.home>/samples/bp-project/ and
> set the value of javaee.server.passwordfile (see below). Note: the
> Java EE 5 SDK installer automatically sets default values for some of
> these properties.
> I have no any That is the reason I have to download
> BluePrints, but at this point I feel completely lost.
> Will you help me with the samples?
> Thanking in advance,
> Jose Alvarez de Lara