To grant Developer role for the glassfish-samples project, it would be
helpful if you could provide us with some additional details about
yourself :
- Why do you want to become a developer for glassfish-samples project?
- Tell us more about yourself including any open source development
- Have you submitted any patches or bug fixes to GlassFish project
already? If yes, issue id and patch details?
The first step to becoming a developer (contributing code or submitting
a patch) is to sign and return Sun's Contributor Agreement (SCA). This
is necessary so Sun can include your contribution in places like the
Java EE RI. Please refer to
https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/GovernancePolicy.html for more
info on SCA and GlassFish Roles\Governance questions you might have.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience so we
can continue our evaluation of your role request.
Sreenivas Munnangi
hari harkala wrote:
> Hi Sir
> I am Harikrishna and I am keen to participate in Glass fish
> Development process.My user ID is harkalaharikrishnakishore.Please
> grant me developer access to develop sample applications for Glassfish.