Re: Glassfish Sample Proposal for wstrust

From: Sreenivas Munnangi <Sreenivas.Munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 15:24:06 -0700


Thanks for helping us with the sample applications.

You may pl. go ahead and develop the sample. All samples are supposed to
work with NetBeans so could you pl. make sure that and if needed I can
help you with that effort. Also look at other existing samples for an idea.

Just a reminder to get the code reviewed by a peer for content and by me
for conventions before checkin.

thanks for your help
- sreeni

Shyam Rao wrote:

> Hi Sreenivas et al,
> Please review the attached brief proposal of the wstrust sample and
> provide feedback.
> This sample is not written in NetBeans, but a ant based command line
> sample. It works directly with Glassfish without downloading any extra
> jars.
> Thanks
> -- Shyam