RE: Re: Issue in glassfish configuration with Tibco EMS and MDB

From: Deepu Syamaladevi Janardhananachary <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 23:46:58 +0530

Yes I am looking for integration steps.
My requirement s to get messages from the tibco queue to MDB class which is deployed in a glassfish server.

I have tried to create the resource adapter as in the link that you sent. But i can't find the the created file anywhere in the system. what is the location of the created resource adapter file?

Is there any other configuration way in glassfish to get the messages to MDB from TIBCO queue other than through resource adapter?

Deepu Janardhananachary

-----Original Message-----
From: Ramesh [mailto:Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Mon 11/9/2009 9:50 PM
Cc: Seema Richard
Subject: Re: Issue in glassfish configuration with Tibco EMS and MDB
Its not clear as to what you are trying to do
If you are looking for integration steps, please follow this

If you have an error , the server.log file would provide more information.


Deepu Syamaladevi Janardhananachary wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know how to get messages from a Tibco Queue to an MDB
> deployed in glassfish.
> I am using glassfish server(Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_02
> (build b04-fcs)), EJB 3 and Tibco EMS version 5.0.0
> I created the resource adapter genericra using the command prompt
> C:\Program Files\glassfish-v2ur2\bin>asadmin
> create-resource-adapter-config --user admin --property
> SupportsXA=false:ProviderIntegrationMode=jndi:UserName=xxx:Password=xxx:JndiProperties=java.naming.factory.url.pkgs\\=com.tibco.tibjms
> .naming,java.naming.factory.initial\\=com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory,java.naming.provider.url\\=xxx\://\\:1234:LogLevel=
> finest genericra
> After this though it is showing executed successfully, I couldn't find
> the location of created file.
> From the admin console ApplicationsąConnector Modules, I deployed the
> genericra.rar available in
> glassfish-v2ur2\lib\addons\resourceadapters\genericjmsra.
> Then two columns of Name and Value came. The ra.xml in the deployed
> file didn't have any of the value that I entered. Its version is 1.7
> What do I need to do to change the values in resource adapter?
> So I changed my approach
> I created a connector project in eclipse(Ganymede) and entered the
> values in the ra.xml within the tag resourceadapter. But when I deploy
> it in the connector Modules, it is saying as error resource adapter.
> Regards,
> Deepu Janardhananachary

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