Hi Timothy,
Please see responses below
LordFoom wrote:
> Hi Ramesh,
> Thanks for the reply. I was under the impression that jmsra was only
> for built-in JMS providers, that is where glassfish handles it all?
You can use jms-ra as long as the MQ provider is SunMQ (open mq), no matter
how it was started and where it is running.
> This is the situation: we have a jms queue running stand-alone
> (possibly on another server). I want to use glassfish to provide
> handles to this jms destination (for the webservices I'm developing),
> so as not to have to rely on property files, etc.
Please create a connection factory (using create-jms-resource) and
ensure that the factory (mq url) points to the the address where the MQ
broker is running.
> In other words, I
> want to setup a kind of "transparent proxy" where I ask the glassfish
> container for the jms resource, and it constructs and injects the
> EXTERNAL resource.
You can use the above created jms resource in your webservices through
> From the documentation, I thought one could use genericjmsra to
> provide a "proxy" to the EXTERNAL jms provider? Am I mistaken?
You can use generic-jms-ra, but what i meant to say was that its not
needed in this particular use case. Its meant for cases where you want
to use jndi (bind your mq objects in ldap/file and then use them) or you
want to use a MQ provider that is not Open MQ.
> Sorry for being such a beginner,
> Timothy Spring
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Ramesh <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_sun.com> wrote:
>> Hi Timothy,
>> If you want to integrate GlassFish with Sun MQ (open mq) using the
>> javabean mode of integration, the most optimal solution would be to use the
>> jmsra, which is the built-in resource adapter (you can use the
>> create-jms-resource commands directly for this). Please use genericra only
>> if want to use jndi mode.
>> To answer your question, yes Name is the physical destination's name, it can
>> either be Name or imqDestinationName
>> Thanks
>> Ramesh
>> LordFoom wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm totally new to JMS and glassfish, so please excuse my noobness.
>>> I'm trying to setup the genericjmsra in glassfish to handle messaging
>>> to a sun message queue that is running outside the container (possibly
>>> on another box).
>>> My question is this: where do I specify the physical destination, in
>>> other words how/where do I point to the external queue?
>>> Is it in the following step?
>>> asadmin create-admin-object --raname genericra --restype
>>> javax.jms.Queue --property DestinationProperties=Name\\=clientQueue
>>> jms/clientQueue
>>> is Name the external jms queue's name?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Timothy Spring
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