Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 with Oracle Advanced Queue using genericjmsra 2.0

From: Edd Grant <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:36:39 +0100

Hi All,

I am trying to read from an Oracle Advanced Queue using an MDB in Sun Java
System Application Server 8.1. I initially started using the oracleaq
resource adapter but have had problems with message duplication and XA
transactions. I was therefore rather excited to read that v2.0 of
genericjmsra provides support for Oracle Advanced Queuing. Since our
technology stack prohibits us setting up an LDAP server I am hoping to use
genericjmsra in JavaBean mode but have a sneaky suspicion that this won't be
possible due to the fact that the Oracle JMS connection factory class
oracle.jms.AQjmsConnectionFactory isn't a bonafide JavaBean. Does anyone
have any experience of getting this configuration working? I am keen to know
if it is possible or if I am about to waste my time even trying to get
JavaBean mode to work.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
