Re: Glassfish Cluster --> Remote IBM MQSeries. Need help!

From: Shambola <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:39:20 -0700 (PDT)

now i try next steps....

Thanks again.

rampsarathy wrote:
> If you have the MQ series CD set, that should have it. I don't know if
> it can be downloaded, you have to contact mq series support maybe.
> Thanks
> Shambola wrote:
>> Thank you again!
>> I've installed MQClient 5.3 on my glassfish server:
>> MQSeriesClient-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
>> MQSeriesRuntime-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
>> MQSeriesJava-5.3.0-1.i386.rpm
>> But i can't find the rpm of MQSeriesTXClient.
>> ( )
>> We have a Passport license with IBM so i can download everything from IBM
>> site, but i can't find the right eAssembly to download...
>> I tried the Server pack, the client pack, but... nothing to do...
>> Where did you find the MQSeriesTXClient rpm?????
>> Thank you!
>> rampsarathy wrote:
>>> Hi Alessandro,
>>> You would need the mq series jar files on the glassfish machine, i
>>> dont think there is any work around for this. If there is a way by which
>>> you could point to the mq jars, that should work too (you have to check
>>> mq series docs/license).
>>> For creating the jms bindings file, you could create it on the server
>>> and then copy it (.bindings) over to the client, that should work.
>>> Also, i should warn you that the extended transaction support (XA
>>> transactions) in Mq series client has to be installed separately, does
>>> not come bundled with the client by default.
>>> If you did not have the client jars, iam assuming glassfish
>>> classpath-suffix does not contain these jars. And without this your
>>> generic ra configuration will not be complete. I dont know how Web
>>> sphere connects to MQ series, they might have the client libraries built
>>> in, because of the tighter integration they have.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Ramesh
>>> Shambola wrote:
>>>> Hi Ramesh!
>>>> Thank you for your superfast answer!!!
>>>> No, i haven't mq client installed on my server glassfish...
>>>> Now i see another big problem:Mq Client = LICENSE to pay!!!
>>>> (why websphere doesn't need you have the mq client installed??)
>>>> Have you got a workaround for this?
>>>> Thanks again...
>>>> Alessandro
>>>> rampsarathy wrote:
>>>>> Hi Alessandro,
>>>>> Do you have the mq client installed on the client (machine where
>>>>> glassfish is running). Also, note that if you want to use
>>>>> xatransactions
>>>>> then you would need to install the extended transaction client libs
>>>>> separately.
>>>>> If you have the mq series client set-up on the client machine , then
>>>>> you
>>>>> should be able to create jndi bindings using the JMSAdmin command on
>>>>> the
>>>>> client machine. This bindings file would reside on the client machine,
>>>>> and you can provide this as the provider_url when creating the ra
>>>>> config. Generic ra would be able to use the objects from this jndi
>>>>> store
>>>>> (like the QCF) to connect to the mq series server.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -Ramesh
>>>>> Shambola wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, i'm Alessandro and this is my first post here...
>>>>>> I have a Websphere architecture and i want to recreate the same
>>>>>> environment
>>>>>> using Glassfish.
>>>>>> Now i have to configure jms.
>>>>>> On the websphere console, i have to configure:
>>>>>> - The jndi name
>>>>>> - The name of the queque manager
>>>>>> - Host
>>>>>> - Port
>>>>>> - Channel.
>>>>>> On glassfish i have only the jndi name :-((
>>>>>> I've read the document:
>>>>>> but they assumes that mq and glassfish are on the same machine.
>>>>>> And when they create the connection pool, they only use the name
>>>>>> ("QCF"
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the example):
>>>>>> asadmin create-connector-connection-pool -- raname genericra
>>>>>> connectiondefinition javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
>>>>>> --transactionsupport
>>>>>> XATransaction --property ConnectionFactoryJndiName=QCF mypool
>>>>>> And the MQ envinronment is ready up & running, so i started from the
>>>>>> chapter
>>>>>> "Configuring the Resource Adapter"
>>>>>> But... where i have to use queue manager name, host, port and
>>>>>> channel???
>>>>>> I suppose that is easy and obvious for everyone... but not for me....
>>>>>> :-(
>>>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>>>> Alessandro.
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