From: Ramesh Parthasarathy <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 05:34:05 +0000

Hi Daniel,

The commands that you use to create admin object and connection pools
should be targeted at genericra and not jmsra.

jmsra is the default resource adapter that is pre-deployed in glassfish
and can be used only for integrating with Sun MQ. It cannot be used for
other MQ providers.
Generic ra is bundled with glassfish (Note : Bundled and *not*
pre-deployed). So you have to deploy the generic ra first and then
create pools and admin objects across it

Your commands should look like this

asadmin create-resource-adapter-config --user admin --passwordfile
password.txt --property

asadmin deploy --user admin --passwordfile <locationofgenericrararfile>

asadmin create-connector-connection-pool --user admin --passwordfile
password.txt --raname genericra --connectiondefinition
javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory --transactionsupport XATransaction
--property ConnectionFactoryJndiName=CollectorLegacyConnectionFactory

asadmin create-connector-resource --user admin --passwordfile
password.txt --poolname legacypool jms/CollectorLegacyConnectionFactory

asadmin create-admin-object --user admin --passwordfile password.txt
--raname genericra --restype javax.jms.Queue --property
DestinationJndiName=RequestQueue jms/RequestQueue

Daniel Hafner Cavalcanti wrote:
> Hi Ramesh...
> Here are some files and the sample programs to test it...
> wmq is a shell script to create the GRA config, resources, as described
> in the integration tutorial.
> On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 22:06 +0530, Ramesh wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> Can you post your domain.xml and the deployment descriptors...
>> And also any exceptions from the server.log file
>> Thanks
>> -Ramesh
>> Daniel Hafner Cavalcanti wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm trying to setup GenericRA in GlassFish to connect to Webphere MQ. I
>>> have followed the integration tutorial, but there are somethings that
>>> are missing for my scenario.
>>> In the tutorial, GF and WMQ are hosted in the same machine. In my
>>> deployment, GF and WMQ are running in different machines/hosts. Any help
>>> on some pointers in setting that integration up is greatly appreciated.
>>> thanks,
>>> Daniel Cavalcanti.
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