Re: GenericJMSRA problems configuration for AQ conecction.

From: Ramesh Parthasarathy <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:45:33 +0000

Hi Shailesh,
        Iam not sure if XA support is available in the oracle aq rar which you
got from My information could be dated, but
Laurent can provide more information regarding the status of the project.

The synchronous inbound support with XA transactions was introduced in
GRA 2.0 to support provides like Oracle AQ (which do not implement
Chapter 8 of JMS 1.1 spec) . Now, the only remaining problem for GRA 2.0
to be used with Oracle AQ is the custom ObjectBuilder that is required
by Oracle AQ (that is implemented in And since
generic ra is supposed to be *generic* to all MQ providers, it would be
unfair to put in a provider specific functionality (like the object
builder) into it.
You could always take the gra 2.0 sources and add the
OracleObjectBuilder support to it and build your own rar.

Let us know if your have any issues/queries


Shailesh Kini wrote On 11/26/07 17:01,:
> Hi Siva,
> Thank you for your prompt response. I contacted Laurent regarding AQ
> integration with Glassfish. I am using the rar file from
> project. I was able to successfully use it in non XA
> transaction, however I am encountering lots of issues with XA transactions.
> XA is required for our project as it ensures that the messages queued are
> not dequeued on failure on the MDB side.
> I read somewhere on the genericjmsra project website that the 2.0 version
> now supports AQ etc... so I was curious to find out if the jndi mode works
> with AQ, especially XA.
> Thanks to you and Ramesh.
> Best Regards,
> Shailesh
> Sivakumar Thyagarajan wrote:
>>Hi Shailesh
>>Laurent Sauvage maintains a modified version of Generic RA for Oracle AQ
>> He also had similar discussion earlier in
>>Please see his for more
>>information. I don't how up-to-date [wrt changes in Generic RA is] the
>>project at is, but you might want to check out that project.
>>basically uses AQJMSFactory to create the CFs through
>>Ramesh also earlier mentioned that synchronous inbound mode in Generic RA
>>would help during AQ integration as well
>>Ramesh Parthasarathy wrote:
>>>Hi Shailesh,
>>> Generic JMS RA has an object builder which can build administered JMS
>>>objects from JNDI as well as reflection (javebean).
>>>But AFAIK Oracle AQ does not support object creation through any of
>>>these, AQ objects can be created only using the AQJMSFActory.
>>>This means that the existing generic jms ra object builder has to be
>>>enhanced to support this AQ specific way..,
>>>This needs to be developed and tested..
>>>Shailesh Kini wrote On 11/21/07 17:35,:
>>>>Any pointers on how to setup JNDI integration mode with Oracle AQ and
>>>>Ramesh Parthasarathy wrote:
>>>>>Hi Fredy,
>>>>> ASFAIK the best way (could be the only way :-() to create the Oracle
>>>>>managed objects CFs and Destinations is through the AQJmsFactory which
>>>>>is a non-standard way of creating these objects.
>>>>>Almost all MQ providers ( except AQ) allows the managed objects to be
>>>>>instantiated through reflection ,and since generic ra is supposed to
>>>>>behave in a provider agnostic fashion we support 2 most common methods
>>>>>of creating jms managed objects - through jndi and javabean..,
>>>>>I guess you are using the javabean mode of integration in generic ra ,
>>>>>where gra relies on instantiating the administered objects through
>>>>>reflection and this of course is not working because of the first
>>>>>Could you try using the jndi integration mode....,
>>>>>you could also post a question in the Oracle AQ forum to find out if
>>>>>there is any other way (other Queue class names...) of instantiating
>>>>>these objects
>>>>>Fredy Yamid Sierra Umaña wrote:
>>>>>>Hi Ramesh
>>>>>>Thanks for response.
>>>>>>The "oracle.jms.AQjmsDestination" class is located on aqapi.jar, that
>>>>>>Advanced Queue class implement the javax.jms.Queue interface and i set
>>>>>>up that class on QueueClassName
>>>>>>GenericJMSRA <> parameter.
>>>>>>This jar (aqapi.jar) is included in the "Generic JMS Resource
>>>>>>Adapter" classpath. I am using gra 2.0.
>>>>>>I hope that with those points you can help me.
>>>>>> <>
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