Re: JMS Provider must be up when MDB is deployed

From: Ramesh Parthasarathy <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:47:32 +0000

Hi Zarick,
        By default when an MDB is deployed a connection attempt is made to the
provider (through the resource adapter), and if the provider is down,
the deployment fails. I done think you are concerned about the
deployment failing because anyway the MDB is unusable without the
provider. On the contrary if you have other modules in your EAR along
with the MDB then the entire app deployment fails. Unfortunately there
is nothing we can do anything from a glassfish perspective to prevent
I dont think this has anything to do with GRA, its the container that is
failing the deployment.

If the MDB is the only module in your application then you could always
deploy it in a disabled state (i think its --enable=false) and then
enable the app once the AMQ is started


Zarick Lau wrote On 10/10/07 09:23,:
> Dear developers and users,
> I am currently using GJR + ActiveMQ + SJSAS9 and have a
> small problem, I want to test my luck on
> here if there is any solution.
> If AMQ is down when I deploy the application (ear include
> GRA + my MDBs), the deploy operation will fail.
> In contrast, if I start AMQ, deploy the app,
> restart AMQ is not a problem, because GRA will try to
> reconnect.
> Is there any option to control the GRA not blocking the deployment
> even the AMQ is not started at that moment.
> Thanks very much!
> Best regards,
> Zarick
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