RedeliveryInterval & RedeliveryAttempts does not work using tibco EMS

From: James Richardson <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 15:19:38 +0100 (BST)


I'm using genericra v1.7 and tibco EMS 4.4. I am trying to configure a
redelivery interval & attempts using the sun-ejb-jar.xml

However, a poison message (one that causes a fail at tx commit time in one
of the resources bound into the transaction) will cause infinite and
immediate redelivery of the message - effectivly bringing the entire
server down.

I am using a Topic.

Does anybody have any insight into why this happens and what I can do
about it. I'm worried I might have to ditch the sun server if i can't
figure this out.

Here's my sun-ejb-jar





_any_ help much appreciated.