Hi Niels,
We have a new release of generic ra 1.7, could you try using that one,
we have made a few changes to redelivery and DMD features, especially in
the transactions area. It also has better transaction logging
capabilities (in FINEST mode).
If its possible could you please try using this release.
Niels Soeffers wrote On 11/30/06 15:11,:
> Hello,
> We are facing a problem when we try to define a dead message queue for
> undeliverable messages. We use the Sun Application Server 8.1 with
> genericjmsra 1.6 and connect to a MQ Series 5.3
> The only stacktrace we see in our logs is posted below.
> [#|2006-11-30T15:22:14.720+0100|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.1_02|javax.enterprise.system.stream.err|_ThreadID=12;|javax.transaction.xa.XAException:
> XA operation failed, see errorCode
> at com.ibm.mq.MQXAResource.end (MQXAResource.java:520)
> at
> com.sun.genericra.inbound.InboundXAResourceProxy.end(InboundXAResourceProxy.java:77)
> at
> com.sun.genericra.inbound.DeliveryHelper.sendMessageToDMD(DeliveryHelper.java:92)
> at com.sun.genericra.inbound.WorkImpl.run (WorkImpl.java:57)
> at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.work.OneWork.doWork(OneWork.java:45)
> at
> com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:409)
> |#]
> The activation properties related to the DMQ that are specified are
> (these are xdoclet tags, but we confirmed that the sun-ejb-jar.xml also
> contained the correct values)
> * @sunone.activation-config-property name="SendBadMessagesToDMD"
> value="true"
> * @sunone.activation-config-property
> name="DeadMessageDestinationJndiName"
> value="com.ardatis.ventouris.VentourisDeadMessageQueue"
> * @sunone.activation-config-property
> name="DeadMessageConnectionFactoryJndiName"
> value="com.ardatis.ventouris.VentourisDeadMessageQueueConnectionFactory"
> * @sunone.activation-config-property name="DeadMessageDestinationType"
> value="javax.jms.Queue"
> We tried to increase the loglevel of the application server (JTS + JTA +
> JMS) but nothing useful there.
> We also tried to enable MQ tracing, the trace file is attached.
> I hope someone can help us with this because we are really stuck on this.
> --
> Thanks in advance,
> Kind Regards,
> Niels
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