Re: JNDI probs connecting AS8.2 to CAPS511 JMS manager

From: Binod <Binod.Pg_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 22:43:37 +0530

Jason Baragry wrote:

> I'm having some troubles connecting SJS AS 8.2 to the JMS manager in
> Sun CAPS 511.
> My genericra installs and seems to configure correctly, following the
> script here:
> and
> However, when I deploy an MDB that uses the JNDI provider, it seems to
> use a different XA ConnectionFactory than the one I specified, and
> throws an error.
> I'm a bit stuck now. How can I continue to debug this?
> [I'm using the genericjmsra that comes with SJS 8.2PE. I've tried the
> most recent build also which shows other problems :]

Can you try with the latest version and let us know, whats happening?

- Binod.

> Server.log:
> ---
> Looking the JNDI name :queues/queIn
> Created the object based on class
> About to set properties on Queue[queIn]
> parseToProperties:null delimited:, seperator:=
> ProviderIntegrationMode jndi
> GenericJMSRA - getInstance() orig
> com.sun.genericra.GenericJMSRA_at_cd4ef5bd{ConnectionFactoryClassName =
> null},{QueueConnectionFactoryClassName =
> null},{TopicConnectionFactoryClassName =
> null},{XAConnectionFactoryClassName =
> null},{XAQueueConnectionFactoryClassName =
> null},{XATopicConnectionFactoryClassName = null},{QueueClassName =
> null},{TopicClassName = null},{ConnectionFactoryProperties =
> null},{JndiProperties =
> = jndi},{CommonSetterMethodName = null},{SupportsXA = true},
> Registering a endpoint consumer, transaction support :true
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory.createXAConnection(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/jms/XAConnection;
> at com.sun.genericra.inbound.InboundJmsResourcePool.initialize
> (
> at
> com.sun.genericra.inbound.EndpointConsumer.initialize(
> ----
> thanks
> Jason