Re: MDB, WMQ, SJSAS, Generic RA

From: Raja Perumal <Raja.Perumal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:23:41 +0530

    I'm not sure about the old kernel version you are refering to, I
think it was Fedoro core 3 .
    Now I have Redhat Enterprise Linux 2.6.9-5.EL, WMQ works with this
kernel and jdk 1.5.0_06

Binod wrote On 03/21/06 10:14,:

> Hi,
>> Hi everyone,
>> I've got the GenericRA to work quite nicely with SJSAS8.1 and
>> Websphere MQ5.3 using ProviderIntegrationMode as Javabean. I've
>> recently enabled XA support as well and seems to be working fine.
> Great! Thanks for sharing that experience.
>> My only problem now is getting an MDB working correctly. At this
>> stage, all I want the MDB to do is retrieve a message from the queue
>> and print out the contents. I've attached a modified version of the
>> sun-ejb-jar.xml which will access my admin object resource
>> (DestinationProperties=BaseQueueName\=TIM.TEST.WRITE,TargetClient\=1)
>> Now what i've noticed with the MDB is:
>> 1. It does not pick up any message from the specified queue at all.
>> 2. It appears to be creating connections at an interval but it does
>> not seem to close them.
>> 3. I've set a MaxPoolSize of 2 in the MDB descriptor but it well and
>> truly exceeds it.
> MaxPoolSize of MDB descriptor indicates the ServerSession objects in
> the pool. I havent seen
> any issue with that. Can you give some more details (eg: log).
>> Help please...
>> Sivakumar, you've gotten the generic ra to work with WMQ6 with jndi
>> provider integration. Have you done it with javabean? and if not,
>> why? Is there some trap that i'm walking into at this stage?
> There are two issues which we faced which may be related.
> 1. RMPolicy value: This need to be OnePerManagedConnection for MQ
> series. Initial symptom
> was not receiving any messages in MDB and later found that it is
> really a hang
> (
> 2. In some of the old linux kernels (Raja, do you remember the
> version) we werent receiving
> the messages from MQ. It appeared to be an issue with the JDK used
> by MQ series. So, we
> moved to a later version of the Kernel and it worked. Really, only
> one machine had this issue.
> Long back, I had got the MDB working in my 2.4.18-14 kernel
> infact with MQ series 5.3 itself.
> Please switch on finest logging for genericjmsra and send the results.
> - Binod.
>> thanks in advanced
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!DOCTYPE sun-ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
>> Application Server 8.1 EJB 2.1//EN"
>> "">
>> <sun-ejb-jar>
>> <enterprise-beans>
>> <name>OfInterestQueryMessageBeanJAR</name>
>> <ejb>
>> <ejb-name>OfInterestQueryMessageBean</ejb-name>
>> <jndi-name>jms/SampleQueue</jndi-name>
>> <resource-ref>
>> <res-ref-name>jms/QCFactory</res-ref-name>
>> <jndi-name>jms/QCFactory</jndi-name>
>> <default-resource-principal>
>> <name>guest</name>
>> <password>guest</password>
>> </default-resource-principal>
>> </resource-ref>
>> <resource-env-ref>
>> <resource-env-ref-name>
>> jms/clientQueue
>> </resource-env-ref-name>
>> <jndi-name>jms/ReceiverQueue</jndi-name>
>> </resource-env-ref>
>> <mdb-connection-factory>
>> <jndi-name>jms/QCFactory</jndi-name>
>> </mdb-connection-factory>
>> <mdb-resource-adapter>
>> <resource-adapter-mid>genericra</resource-adapter-mid>
>> <activation-config>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> DestinationType
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> javax.jms.Queue
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> DestinationProperties
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> BaseQueueName=TIM.TEST.WRITE,TargetClient=1
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <!--
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>SubscriptionDurability</activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>Durable</activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>SubscriptionName</activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>TestSubscription</activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>ClientID</activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>uniq-3</activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> -->
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> MaxPoolSize
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> 2
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> RedeliveryAttempts
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> 0
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> ReconnectAttempts
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> 4
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> ReconnectInterval
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> 10
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> RedeliveryInterval
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> 1
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>
>> SendBadMessagesToDMD
>> </activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>
>> false
>> </activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <!--
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>DeadMessageDestinationClassName</activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>com.sun.messaging.Queue</activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property>
>> <activation-config-property-name>DeadMessageDestinationProperties</activation-config-property-name>
>> <activation-config-property-value>imqDestinationName=DMDtest</activation-config-property-value>
>> </activation-config-property>
>> -->
>> </activation-config>
>> </mdb-resource-adapter>
>> </ejb>
>> </enterprise-beans>
>> </sun-ejb-jar>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise
>> JavaBeans 2.0//EN' ''>
>> <ejb-jar>
>> <display-name>OfInterestQueryMessageBeanJAR</display-name>
>> <enterprise-beans>
>> <message-driven>
>> <display-name>OfInterestQueryMessageBean</display-name>
>> <ejb-name>OfInterestQueryMessageBean</ejb-name>
>> <ejb-class>
>> </ejb-class>
>> <transaction-type>Container</transaction-type>
>> <message-driven-destination>
>> <destination-type>javax.jms.Queue</destination-type>
>> </message-driven-destination>
>> <resource-ref>
>> <res-ref-name>jms/QCFactory</res-ref-name>
>> <res-type>javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory</res-type>
>> <res-auth>Container</res-auth>
>> <res-sharing-scope>Shareable</res-sharing-scope>
>> </resource-ref>
>> <resource-env-ref>
>> <resource-env-ref-name>
>> jms/clientQueue
>> </resource-env-ref-name>
>> <resource-env-ref-type>
>> javax.jms.Queue
>> </resource-env-ref-type>
>> </resource-env-ref>
>> </message-driven>
>> </enterprise-beans>
>> <assembly-descriptor>
>> <container-transaction>
>> <method>
>> <ejb-name>OfInterestQueryMessageBean</ejb-name>
>> <method-name>onMessage</method-name>
>> <method-params>
>> <method-param>javax.jms.Message</method-param>
>> </method-params>
>> </method>
>> <trans-attribute>Required</trans-attribute>
>> </container-transaction>
>> </assembly-descriptor>
>> </ejb-jar>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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