>>> 1. How do I set JndiProperties? It always returns
>>> NameNotfound? I'm sure that the ConnectionFactory JNDI
>>> exists, since it works if I use a standalone
JndiProperties, as shown in the Tibco user guide [1] in the "Configuring
the Resource Adapter" section, can be configured at the resource adapter
level by creating a resource adapter config in Sun Application Server.
Where are you setting your JndiProperties? Could your provide us more
information? While debugging what do you see the value of this.jndiProps as?
Binod wrote:
> Binod wrote:
>> Are you trying to integrate JBoss MQ with Sun
>> appserver?
>> Or Are you just trying to access SunMQ in one
>> Sun appserver from another Sun appserver instance?
>> - Binod.
>>> I'm working on migrating our application from
>>> Weblogic/JBoss to Sun Application Server. There is a
>>> Message Bean to subscribe a durable topic on external
>>> JMS server(locates in another Sun Application Server).
>>> I follow the sample tibco server, but failed. I have
>>> two questions.
>>> 1. How do I set JndiProperties? It always returns
>>> NameNotfound? I'm sure that the ConnectionFactory JNDI
>>> exists, since it works if I use a standalone
>>> application. I traced the source and found the
>>> exception was thrown by calling
>>> "lookup(this.jndiName)". I set the JndiProperties as
>>> "java.naming.provider.url=iiop://localhost:36613".
>>> =======ObjectBuilderFactory.java===========
>>> public Object createObject() throws
>>> ResourceException {
>>> try {
>>> Hashtable props =
>>> parseToProperties(this.jndiProps);
>>> debug("Properties passed to
>>> InitialContext :: " + props);
>>> InitialContext ic = new
>>> InitialContext(props);
>>> debug("Looking the JNDI name :" +
>>> this.jndiName);
>>> return ic.lookup(this.jndiName);
>>> }
>>> 2. I see message-destination-link in the sample
>>> ejb-jar.xml. But I could not find it on
>>> http://java.sun.com/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd.
>>> Does anyone have sample code to connect another Sun
>>> Application Server?
> http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd
> Please see the above file.
> - Binod.
>>> Thanks in advance.
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